Fundamental principles of Permaculture

Permaculture Education Online is a creative design response to a world where the availability of energy and resources decreases, with an emphasis on design processes taken from nature. For many, Permaculture's approach to land and resource management is complementary to the industrial approach of "green technology" optimists, but there are also differences.

Caring for the Earth
That is to say the soil, water, plants and animals that inhabit it. All life is important because we are part of a system which is the terrestrial biosphere. This implies a reasoned use of resources. Man's hold on the planet must be reduced by limiting his consumption by not seeking constantly increasing demography and growth.

Take care of humans
Every person must have theright to use the resources essential for life. Permaculture Australia aims to meet the needs of humans in a framework that allows them to flourish.

Equitably share resources
The surplus crops but also the experiences. The movement of incredible edibles perfectly illustrates this sharing. It is gaining more and more important in many countries. People sow in front of their window, in front of their doorstep, etc. and share the crops with neighbours or passers-by.

Tips to take care of your land in Permaculture
During Permaculture Design Course Online, you will be taught to take care of your land. They will teach you how to do gardening without any damage to nature.

Use biomass
Leaves, grass clippings, pruning and weeding waste, vegetable haulms ... Do not throw this precious biomass in the recycling centre. But return it to your soil by using it directly in the form of mulch, chipped ramial wood (BRF) or by turning it into compost. You will see all the benefits, even on degraded soil which will quickly regain its fertility. The abundance of earthworms will testify to this.
Be careful, the degradation of the dry matter of a mulch consumes a lot of nitrogen which must sometimes be compensated by the addition of crushed horn or castor cake. Remember that mineral salts and organic matter are quickly leached from bare soil beaten by the rain.

Encourage exchanges
Plants capture oxygen and carbon from the air as well as mineral elements from the soil. Very popular in Online Permaculture Design, cultivation on mounds increase the exchange surface between the soil and the atmosphere. To do this, dig a small pit that you will fill with successive layers until you obtain a mound 30 to 50cm high. This very fertile, well-drained mound which heats up quickly in spring guarantees beautiful vegetable crops just like in a raised vegetable garden.

How to take a sample?
The permaculture teacher taught you how to take a sample during Online PermacultureCourse.
- Take a spade and dig 20cm deep in a place where you will have removed the weeds on the surface. Put this first sample in a clean container. Repeat the operation in four or five areas of the garden.
- Mix the samples well before extracting approximately 200g which you will place in a closed bag. Then just drop it off in your garden centre for analysis.


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