Permaculture principles by David Holmgren

In his book Permaculture - Principles and Paths beyond Sustainability (2002), Holmgren enlarge the figure of main permaculture beliefs. Their approach provides a more detailed and systematic way to start making management decisions in complex and ever-changing ecosystems.
Observe and interact
Spend a long time observing an ecosystem before building or cultivating in it. Doing so will permit us to make or farm in the most well-organized and sustainable ways probable.
Capture and store energy
You will study in Permaculture Course Online energy of all types runs to and from all ecology. Energy resources include sunlight, water, seeds, inherent heat, wind, and organic matter.
Get a performance
When planting flora for food, energy, textiles or cosmetics, we desire to get a yield. Good management is about abundance and the blessings we can share.
Apply self-regulation and accept feedback
Negative feedback may point to unsustainable methods and probably means that we need to do things a little differently. Assessing excess positive feedback can be more difficult to observe and discern. For example, for decades, mega-scale mono-cultivation symbolized the best practice of modern agricultural production. The negative environmental and human repercussions of these systems were easy to overlook. They remain easy to the reason given their enormous ability to supply cheap calorie raw materials and corporate profits. Doing a Permaculture Online Course is very beneficial.
Use and value renewable resources and services
Conserve non-renewable resources and always look for how to restore resources. Expand our thinking about what a resource might be.
Do not produce waste.
Ideally, everything that is needed is done on-site, and all by-products become inputs for another part of the design.
Design from patterns to details
First, determine the big picture; everything else falls into place after that. Big picture elements include factors such as weather, terrain, and the appearance of the sun. Taking these elements into account from the very beginning is vital for all the other decisions that follow, and ultimately determine the design pattern. A Permaculture Course Australia designer uses strategies such as sectors and zones to help determine the overall pattern.
Integrate rather than segregate
Each element in a system has strengths and weaknesses. In PDC Online, we can use this to our advantage by pairing elements with complementary needs, so that they help each other grow progressively. For example, in a keyhole garden, the composting system is integrated directly into the garden bed. Placing this keyhole orchard near the kitchen further integrates the system by locating the fresh vegetable production area and the cut-out.
Use slow and small solutions.
Small, slow changes build resilience and diversity, making our system adaptive and reducing the effect of unintended negative consequences.
Use and value diversity.
Diversity forms the foundation for resilience.
Use the edges and value the marginal.
The edges or banks between different ecological zones and micro-climates are places of great diversity and potential. Species that can thrive on both sides of the shore have an advantage in these areas and can increase the productivity of the entire system.
Use and respond creatively to change.
Things will always change, that is guaranteed. Respond to change by continually innovating Permaculture Online, and not giving up.


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